Hello beautiful souls! Jackie here, your Soul Realignment guide and fellow traveller on this incredible journey of life. This month, I'm thrilled to share my excitement about Reiki, a powerful healing modality I recently embraced by completing my Level 3 certification!

As many of you know, my path to spiritual awakening wasn't always sunshine and rainbows. Struggles with addiction, self-esteem, and belonging coloured my early years. Growing up in a low-income area, I often felt like an outsider, yearning for connection.

That yearning, however, became the fuel for my spiritual exploration. And guess what I discovered? We are all connected – by a vibrant life force, an energy that sustains and heals us. This energy, in various traditions, is called Chi, Prana, or simply Life Force. In Reiki, it's known as Universal Life Force Energy.

Reiki beautifully complements my work as a Soul Realignment Practitioner. It allows me to work not just on the soul level, but also on the energetic level to clear blockages, promote relaxation, and enhance your overall well-being.

Here are just a few reasons why using Life Force Energy for healing is so powerful:

  • Promotes deep relaxation: Reiki's gentle touch and focus on the breath create a deeply calming effect, reducing stress and anxiety.

  • Boosts the body's natural healing abilities: By balancing your energy centers (chakras), Reiki can support your body's inherent capacity to heal itself.

  • Supports emotional well-being: Releasing energetic blockages can help clear emotional baggage, leading to greater peace and self-compassion.

  • Enhances spiritual growth: Reiki can heighten your intuition and deepen your connection to your inner wisdom.

Whether you're seeking relief from physical discomfort, emotional burdens, or simply a deeper sense of well-being, Reiki offers a gentle yet powerful path to wholeness.

Stay tuned throughout the month for a more in-depth exploration of Reiki's benefits, self-care practices you can incorporate at home, and perhaps even a special Reiki-infused Soul Realignment session!

With love and light,


Akashic Energy Healing

Steward to our beautiful Earth Gaia