Are you ready to break free from repetitive cycles, codependency, addiction, or depression? Do you seek alternative healing methods to help you learn to heal yourself? If yes, then understanding the stages of behaviour change can be a powerful tool in your journey. Here, we'll explore these stages and how Akashic Energy Healing can support you through each one.


1. Precontemplation

In this first stage, individuals may still need to recognize that a change is necessary. They might be stuck in harmful patterns without realizing the need for transformation. Akashic Energy Healing can help illuminate these patterns, helping you to see where change is needed.

2. Contemplation

During the contemplation stage, individuals become aware of their behaviour and start thinking about change. This stage involves weighing the pros and cons. Akashic Energy Healing can provide spiritual guidance during this critical decision-making process.

3. Preparation

Once you've decided to make a change, the preparation stage begins. This involves making plans and setting goals. With Akashic Energy Healing, you can gain clarity on your goals and devise a realistic plan to achieve them.

4. Action

The action stage involves implementing the plan and making the desired change. This is where Akashic Energy Healing's compassionate expertise becomes crucial, providing the support and guidance needed to navigate this challenging phase.

5. Maintenance

After successfully making a change, the next step is maintaining the new behaviour. Akashic Energy Healing can help reinforce positive patterns and provide ongoing support to prevent relapse.

6. Termination

The final stage, termination, is where the new behaviour becomes second nature. At this point, the risk of relapse is low, but continued spiritual guidance can help ensure long-term success.


Transforming your life may seem daunting, but understanding these stages can make the process more manageable. With Akashic Energy Healing, you're not alone in your journey towards self-healing. Let's embark on this transformative path together.

Reach out to us today!