Discover Path to Empowerment Unleash the Power of Online Intuitive Guidance Today with Akashic Energy Healing

Discover Your Path to Empowerment

Unleash the Power of Online Intuitive Guidance Today!

Discover Path to Empowerment Unleash the Power of Online Intuitive Guidance Today with Akashic Energy Healing

Discover Your Path to Empowerment

Unleash the Power of Online Intuitive Guidance Today!

Ready to unlock the full potential of your life and embrace empowerment like never before?

Take the first step towards a life of self-discovery, healing, and growth with our expert guidance and support. It includes Akashic records reading online service, oracle reading online, past life karma clearing online, and property clearing in Edmonton.

Contact us now to explore the transformative benefits and services we offer.


Operate Virtually - Anyone Can Reach Out to Me

Experience virtual consultations’ convenience, regardless of location. My online intuitive guidance sessions provide accessibility for all, ensuring you can tap into my transformative services from the comfort of your own space.

Weekly Oracle Readings Online - Embrace Divine Guidance

Unlock the universe’s wisdom with my online weekly Oracle readings. Receive profound insights and divine guidance that empowers you to navigate life’s challenges and make informed decisions with clarity and purpose.

Overcoming Codependency, Addiction, Depression - Embrace Healing and Renewal

My services are tailored to help you overcome codependency, addiction, and depression. You’ll embark on a transformation journey through intuitive guidance and healing techniques, breaking free from limiting patterns and embracing a life of joy and fulfillment.

Intuitive Guidance and Akashic Record Reading Service offered by Akashic Energy Healing
Intuitive Guidance and Akashic Record Reading Service offered by Akashic Energy Healing

Intuitive Guidance Package

The Intuitive Guidance Package offers a comprehensive experience, combining a full Akashic Records Reading, Property Clearing, one personalized clearing meditation, and three 1-hour Intuitive Guidance sessions. During these private sessions, you will receive specific information to support your life choices, guide your spiritual growth, and aid in your personal healing journey. Together, we will create a positive flow of energy in your life. This package is perfect for clients who feel stuck, face challenging decisions, or struggle with life events. Through gentle and healing guidance, the Intuitive Guidance Sessions will provide clarity, validation, advice, and direction, empowering you to find peace and move forward on your life path.


Akashic Record Reading

Experience the profound exploration of your energy centers and divine gifts with the Akashic Record Reading. This service delves into the Akashic records and your divine soul blueprint, offering insights into your Starseed origination group and the lifetimes you have experienced in the 3rd-dimensional realm. Uncover and release any past life karmic blockages, restrictions, attachments, and limiting beliefs that may affect you today. Through the soul realignment process, I will guide you in reconnecting with your inner source and aligning with your soul’s purpose. To prepare for this transformative reading, get plenty of sleep, drink water, and come with an open mind and heart.

Intuitive Oracle Reading offered by Akashic Energy Healing

Intuitive Oracle Reading

The Intuitive Oracle Reading is a personalized experience combining tarot and oracle cards with psychic insight. Using specific decks and crystals chosen for your session, I will connect with spirit and utilize my claircognizance, clairvoyance, and clairsentience to interpret guidance from the spiritual realm. This reading aims to provide insight, clarity, and spiritual guidance, allowing you to gain new perspectives and make informed decisions on your life’s journey.


Intuitive Guidance Session

Online Intuitive Guidance Sessions are creative, healing, and intuitive experiences that can get booked by the hour. Ideal for those seeking a more intuitive and innovative approach to navigating life’s journey, these sessions utilize psychic insights, oracle cards, and spiritual guidance to bring clarity and new perspectives. Techniques such as Energy, Vibrational, and Spiritual Healing may be incorporated to achieve energetic balance and empowerment, making these sessions profoundly transformative and beneficial.

Intuitive Guidance Sessions offered by Akashic Energy Healing
Past Life Karma Clearing and Property Clearing Service offered by Akashic Energy Healing
Past Life Karma Clearing and Property Clearing Service offered by Akashic Energy Healing

Past Life Karma Clearing

The Past Life Karma Clearing service is designed to address long-standing issues that may manifest as recurring unhealthy cycles or patterns in various aspects of your life. These challenges can significantly impact your physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. This service aims to identify karmic blockages and cleanse these cycles, realigning you with Source Energy and your soul’s blueprint. Resolve unresolved issues and find healing through this powerful service.


Property Clearing

Like individuals, our homes, land, and businesses can experience energetic imbalances affecting our well-being. The Property Clearing service aims to eliminate negative energy from your space using various energetic clearing methods. Doing so enhances the positive flow of vital force energy, removes obstacles that hinder abundance and manifestation, and creates a harmonious environment. This service is available for property owners and renters alike, and the clearing process can be conducted from any distance, as energy permeates our entire environment much like radio waves.


Remote Reiki Healing

A Remote Reiki Healing, our journey began with a deep passion for the transformative power of Reiki Healing. As a certified level 3 reiki practitioner with expertise in distance healing, I have witnessed remarkable healing experiences and positive transformations in the lives of countless individuals.

Driven by the desire to share this incredible modality with a wider audience, I have decided to establish Remote Reiki Healing. With years of experience in the field and a profound understanding of energy healing, we have crafted a platform that offers remote Reiki healing sessions to people from all corners of the world.


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Akashic Energy Healing serves clients across Edmonton, Vancouver, Sherwood Park, Saint Albert, Beaumont and Fort Saskatchewan, Canada.